Thread: New Members
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Old 31 May 2010, 23:46   #1214
Rage Against
Join Date: 31.10.2009
Location:  The Dark Side
Posts: 351

Originally Posted by StuE2 View Post
Hey All - I didn't know where to post my introduction but I kinda had to seeing as I signed up. Is there a new member's thread?? Maybe I'm too sober to find it haha!
So to introduce meself....first record I ever bought was Dead Ringer For Love back in '81 was hooked ever since. I then discovered record fairs and collected a very interesting lot of Meat Loaf vinyl etc
Anyways, I've seen Meat Loaf shows since '85 but the last time I saw him play was in '99 because that show to me (and my mam and dad) was really really bad so I stopped buying the albums and sorta wistfully wished that things were like they used to be. I'm expecting to be banned now hahaha!!
But....HCTB is an effing wonderful album and now since my son is into Meat Loaf I am looking forward to watching a show again!!
I could go on and on but y'kna I won't. Just one more thing though - I'll always be grateful to Meat Loaf personally for him and his sponsors(Harp Lager)for inviting us and PAYING for us to travel to Bristol on the train, the hotel and backstage passes etc back in 1988. I will NEVER EVER forget that!
Cheers for reading y'all.


My edit then - just found this thread so apologies and also apologies for the 'unofficial live recordings on ancient C90' reference!!

Welcome StuE!
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