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Old 12 Mar 2003, 04:34   #13
Super Loafer
Join Date: 30.04.2002
Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand (GMT+12)
Posts: 608

Welcome to the forum and to the wider Meat Loaf community, Paul!

I am wondering, how did you get the job as the lead guitar player?

I've heard (read) that the band has recently completed filming the video for "Couldn't Have Said It Better". Could you tell us whether Kasim is in it? I read that another guy, James Michael (who wrote that song) plays bass in the video so I'm not sure.

I am in New Zealand so I have not had the privilege of hearing you play with Meat. One way I have of comparing the various guitarists Meat has had over the years is to listen to the motorcycle guitar sound on Bat Out Of Hell. Is there any chance of you posting a sound clip of this, or of you playing other Meat Loaf songs, on your website?
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