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Old 12 Mar 2003, 22:00   #18
The Lurker in The Shadows
Join Date: 03.12.2002
Location:  Cork
Posts: 209
Default Welcome To The Fourms/School

Hi Paul, Welcome to the MLUKFC Fourms, My fourm name is M.Bison and I am 12 years of age. I saw clips of your NBA preformance and you were amazing, hope you're keeping well. The school I go to is Scoil Triest in Lota, Glamire and the class I'm in is Class 4 moving to Class 5 this September which is the Senior Side but now on the five school days of the week and here's the five things I do:
Monday: Cookery
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Gardening
Thursday: Woodwork
Friday: Potery.
I also have my break times at 11:00AM and 1:00PM with the Senior Side as well and when I go on The Bikes, there's this guy in Class 6 going by the name of Gary Fleming and he's very annoying as he do be cycling very fast and he do be saying these quotes as well like the quote he said today in which it says on my signature, "I'm gonna cast a spell on you" whilst I'm playing basketball with Nicholas and if he says something we say to him "Cut it out Gary." Also one of my friends in Class 5 named Martin Roche do be at him as well when he has a football and he throws it against the crossbar which is very dangerous has someone could lose their balance and fall of their bike. A couple of weeks ago Gary had this quote saying "You're under arrest for suspicious murder" and a couple of weeks before You're Under Arrest was "The guy without the seatbelt who done the damage" in which me and Nicholas would say to him, "You're the one who did the damage." So my other friends besides Martin are:
Nicholas O'Brien (That dude I was mentioning.)
Paul Ryan (Yesterday at Respite he was crying like a baby wanting to go home.)
Martin Roche (He burps an awful lot!)
Colm Monahan (When I got droped off at the House Of Pizza, he saw my dad and he said to him "Why you are the Pizzaman? Why?"
Gary Fleming (I like his attidude on the bikes)
John Egan (He's another burper.)
That's all of them and last month I send a Valentine's Day card to Dana Patrick and she was in the promo videos of I'd Do Anything For Love and I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth.) So I guess that's all I have to say and also I'm taking up in guitar lessons on Friday at 7:00PM.
Take care.
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