Dana Patrick/More On Gary Fleming/Respite
Hi Paul. I heard from Dana on Valentine's Day and it was a very nice response, here's what she said:
I was delighted to recive your card, I didn't get a Valentine's Day card for a long time, your poems were beautiful. I am so glad somebody remembers me from my days in the Meatloaf video. I will always be thinking of you and I will keep you in my heart. If I ever visit your country Ireland, I will try to let you know so we can meet each other.
Best wishes always.
Dana Patrick
And about the Guitar Lessons I'm learning with a normal guitar as apposed to the Electric Guitars and I forgot to tell you on my other post that a couple of months back, I can't remember the date but I remember it was on Friday when everyone was taking a photograph on The Bikes then Nicholas said to Gary, "I'm gonna flat your tyres" and Gary said to him "I'll give you a shove and run you over so you'll be dead." Then a couple of months before I'll Give You A Shove, it was Friends Transition Year in Scoil Triest and when we went out on The Bikes, John was talking to this guy named Colin and Gary said to John "You stop that now! If you touch me, you'll be dead!" Also at Art I'm doing a set of pictures titled The Very Best Of Dangerous Man which is all the best moments caused by Gary Fleming, but let's just skip this part and my guitar teacher's name is Sean Kelleher and I was learning about the chords and it lasted for about an hour and it was great. And I go to Respite every once in a while in which you heard about the part with Paul Ryan crying like a baby, he was saying "I wanna go home" and about ten or twenty minutes before that, Colm was running into the shed and I was saying to him, "Get back in the house." So I guess that's all I have to say for now and good luck learning to play all the other Meat Loaf songs.
Take care for now.