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Old 12 Oct 2010, 14:41   #139
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by White of High View Post
You are right, I think Jim Steinman is the best rock composer ever. I'm not that fan who likes everything what are made by his idol. I think Meat had the best voice ever (and Freddy Mercury as well) in pop music and Steinman was the best songwriter. But I don't like Jim's Nowhere Fast or Break It, and I don't like Meat's Do It or Burning Down. I don't like everything what they make.
I said you like Meat to sing Steinman songs. I meant you prefer him singing Steinman, and don't seem to value him singing songs written by other composers as much .. not that you necessarily liked every Steinman penned song.

I have a cold head and pure opinion about all their songs. And most of the people have. This is the reason after CHSIB, HCTB or Bat3 we think Meat's best albums were recorded by Jimmy. So, personality, you can love Meat's new style but most of the people think it's only enough to make a 7th best Meat album...
Many people here .. that doesn't cover every Meat fan. It's 7th best based on your threads here, which seem to generally have under 50 responses.

Meat doesn't need to change his mind, he can do everything what he wants (ban my quotes in other topics, for example ). But he can accept, after 3 albums in the last 10 years he made average albums. No, I don't say it. All of the fans say it because we rate his all songs...
No, not ALL his fans say it here .. and there are a few more out there than post on this forum. I'm not going to cover matters discussed exhaustively on other threads, but to suggest Meat's albums from the last 10 years are "average" based on comments and ratings made here is a skewed judgement, and allows nothing for the huge changes in the music industry.

To make comparison with BOOH is always going to "prove" it was best, because it was a phenomenon, a landmark album for its time, and captured the market's imagination, and because Meat's name will always be synonymous with BAT, it will continue to sell as he attracts new fans who will buy the album he made his name with.

But if the only yardstick we use to judge an album's worth as an album is sales, then every album he makes will be poorer .. and all the rating threads are pointless too. Whether you approve ot not, there are many fans on here who DO think HCTB is an exceptional record, and the threads you have started on rating songs and albums show that. Not all .. it's pretty polarised. In general people on here either love it or don't rate it very highly at all. I think more rate it highly than don't .. and to me that it causes controversy is a good thing .. shows it's new, different and can capture the imagination, enthusiasm and hearts of many. That makes it far from "average" imo.

BOOH was and will always be special to me; it was the album that brought him into my world. But although I don't make a point of comparing albums, the ones I play most often are CHSIB and HCTB (and Best Of because that has so many favourites on it). CHSIB connected with me more than any other album he'd released after BOOH, and HCTB is, to ME, a masterpiece. It's not just about the notes, the cleverness or simplicity of the lyrics, the style etc; rock and roll is imo more about the connection it makes with one on a very individual level. Meat's passion and delivery never fail to connect with me, so I enjoy all his albums without criticism or complaint, but CHSIB and HCTB connect powerfully as albums.

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