Thread: New Members
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Old 18 Oct 2010, 11:38   #1246
Join Date: 11.11.2006
Location:  Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 24

I joined this place 4 years ago, yet I just made my first post recently (this is my 2nd) I suppose I joined this when Bat 3 came out, and then never posted and sadly forgot about this place! I guess lookin up some meat loaf stuff (especially warioloaf's youtube channel) got me listening to him alot. I read thru past topics, also its awesome that meat loaf actually posts here! I would do the same if I was a singer or in a band. And interestingly enough the album I joined this board because of I find to be just ok, I secretly hope meatloaf makes a album with steinman and call it the true bat out of hell III.

Anyways I have been a meat loaf fan since 1993 when I heard I'd do anything for love, Bat Out Of Hell II was actually the first album I ever could saw was mine! (Got it as my 9 year old bday present)
Around 97,98 i started liking other bands, and well didnt listen to meat for years! probably until 2005 Id say where I gave BOH2 a listen again and of course BOH1 and well I have listened to meat on and off since as well as steinman stuff (never having too long of gaps!)

So with that said, Hello everyone!
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