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Old 19 Oct 2003, 21:43   #9
Michael Marxen
Super Loafer
Join Date: 04.02.2003
Location: Cologne, Germany
Posts: 356

"Steves absence is a big loss for the Neverland Express.
Great musician, great stage presence and such a nice person!
No leaving the stage for a smoke whenever possible and no bored look on his face during performances."

This was my original post that got censored by David Driskell!

Dear David,
by censoring such a slight criticism of a die-hard fan you do harm to our fan club! And you put fuel to the flames of those calling the mlukfc intolerant. Why don`t you handle it with arguments? I know others, that consider Kasims look that I call bored to be concentrated. I wanted to start a discussion that might even have been informative for Kasim himself.
I am looking forward to see multiple shows of the upcoming European tour again. I know that Kasim does a very decent job. I am a site regular on your MOTS. In fact SteinMeatmusic is the passion of my life.
I have seen numerous Meaty concerts over the years. Despite that or even because of that I consider it important to express point of views.
Think again and let us stay brothers in mind!

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