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Old 19 Oct 2003, 22:50   #10
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 25.08.2002
Posts: 164

Not trying to start anything, but how do you know David censored your post? I do recall seeing something like that from you at one of the boards (I guess this one?), but now dont see it here, but no sign it got deleted?

Well anyway, i didnt comment the first time, but i will now, what the heck! :) I thought Steve did a great job, but danced a wee bit too much for my taste. To me, at times, although back then i never really paid attention to it, if he's so busy dancing and getting 'into' the songs, then how could he be doing his musical director part of his job? Dont get me wrong, i thought Steve was a great bass player, but i guess didnt 'do it' for me. Im always picking out Kasim's bass leads easily during songs now, and back in 93 (again, maybe i just didnt pay much attention back then), the music all blended more together (but absolutely wonderfully!), and the only things that would stand out to me would be Mark's piano playing and Pat's guitar solos (except for the times that Kasim and Steve had their own solos).

Kasim is ALWAYS (again, maybe its because i know a bit more about him, etc) concentrating on catching Meat's 'new curves' to the songs and material; and we all can agree here, i believe, that Meat never seems to perform a song all too similar each night, and throws out curveballs like crazy. And Kasim never seems to miss one (granted, im not at TONS of shows, so i could be wrong!).

I know from going to a couple of shows this summer, as well as working a couple for my photography, that Kasim's been more laid back this tour, but STILL keeps on the ball with Meat's nuiances (excuse the misspell). I mean ive never noticed Kasim all over the stage as much as he's been this tour and he's really seeming to relax moreso and get into the instrumentals more then he's done in the past. I think that's partly due to more then ever, he's truly comfortable with himself in the Musical Director part of his job and might feel he can relax a bit more.

I know we will all have our own preferences to band members. I honestly thought no one could ever come close to Pat Thrall's playing, but i tell you, Paul in my eyes is right up there in form and powerful playing; some people think the Goff's were the best backing vocalists for Meat, but to me, no one could ever take Patti's place in voice and in stage presence. And hey, what about how upset some people were when they heard Pearl wouldnt be on board this tour, but i really believe Renee is just as good a singer, and even plays guitar quite well; and well, for what i state above, im quite partial to Kasim's work, but no matter what, i think we can all agree that Meat has always had some of the most amazing musicians and vocalists always backing him up. To me, the whole package is what always kept me coming back for more.

So hey, when the tour gets to Germany, why not give Kasim a 'second chance'? Im sure Steve will always be the tops in your eyes, but you never know, maybe you might find Kasim has improved more then the last time you saw him? :) Alrighty take care!!

Jen S.
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