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Old 15 Nov 2011, 13:44   #37
Super Loafer
Join Date: 18.05.2006
Posts: 604

Originally Posted by wizardofodd View Post
If i was in charge of promotion (which sadly i am not) i think the key thing is too really push a Single. It is true to say Meat is more an album seller but the general audience only really recognise Meat with the big singles (maybe with the exception of Bat 1 album) because the singles are played on radio and the videos are played on the TV repeatedly. The truth is a general audience might not actually know Meat has done anything in years because we haven’t really had a proper single release since 2006 and that was a bad choice of song in the first place. For example I know about 5 Lady GaGa songs, they are all singles but i couldn’t name a single album only song. Radio still has power and so do music videos with the popularity of Youtube. Meat might be able to release an Album but without a strong single that a general audience can hear he will not become relevant. He is indeed a legend but the audience should understand he is a legendary performer with new music and not just a bloke holding on to his success from the 70s and early 90s.

I would get Meat single promoting in the UK in early December with the intention of Album release in February. I would have a second single release in February a week before the album release, possible Our love and our Soles as a love ballad would go perfectly with the Valentine’s day period. The live album should be a bonus CD with the album and the Live DVD should be released on the same day. Of course i know promotion is not that easy at ALL. I also realise i have gone WAY off topic, i apologise.

That sounds about right. I still think though that there might possibly be some steinman songs on the album. Not sure how they would fit in with the sound but it would be a huge selling feature.
ALL OF ME is a great first single. I agree too that OUR LOVE AND OUR SOULS would be the next best single. But I have very little faith in whoever picks the singles for Meat as they tend to be some bad choices.
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