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Old 05 Dec 2011, 15:19   #287
Join Date: 23.11.2008
Posts: 525

Originally Posted by razorball2002 View Post
Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?
Really, there is nothing extraordinary at lip synching a song, even if you're Meat Loaf. Hope it gets him to sell some CDs, thats all.
PS: I have been watching Wetten dass since my childhood, and EVERY artist I saw on this show lip synched, so I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.
Lol, if watching/participating in something since childhood makes you an iron clad expert on a subject, then I just realized that I am officially a freaking genius. Seriously, just ask me, I'll tell you.

Dude, you are doing what many people tend to do, you are presenting your opinion as fact and that is just not the case. I personally stand by my opinion that the performance was live, and unless Meat tells us otherwise, I will continue to believe that. And, no I am not naïve, I just think it was a great performance by a well rested performer.
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