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Old 05 Dec 2011, 15:35   #288
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
I have no idea either why this always has to be the subject of guesses, assumptions, pontifications and debates either

Was it a great performance? YES. Did he rock the house down in style? YES. Was it Meat singing? YES. Why the hell that can't be enough baffles me. (Nor how anyone who wasn't on that set can make their assumptions by simply watching YT clips anyway. Going on those the host lip synched his way through Meat's introduction )

It was a terrific performance, what was recorded then or earlier, or delivered live only Meat knows .. It was HIM singing, he was great, I loved it, the audience loved it, he was clearly delighted, and frankly that's more than sufficient for me.

Well said.
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