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Old 05 Dec 2011, 16:05   #291
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 28.03.2003
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Originally Posted by razorball2002 View Post
Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?
I would rather be impressed at seeing Meat do a great LIVE vocal performance LIVE on TV. When is it that he sounded great on TV during a live performance? Really i can't remember, but since the Hang Cool CD came out, I would say NONE (with the exeption of Living on the outside at one TV show maybe...). He sounded great live during a hang cool show when I saw him, but at every TV show i'm like: ARGH!!!!.......... Noooooooo!!! Please Meat stop to stress out so much your vocal chords!!!!!!¨.....
Really, there is nothing extraordinary at lip synching a song, even if you're Meat Loaf. Hope it gets him to sell some CDs, thats all.
PS: I have been watching Wetten dass since my childhood, and EVERY artist I saw on this show lip synched, so I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.
Many tv shows do not allow live performances as a rule. I recall Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" when I was young (very, very young LOL) one band made headlines because they suddenly played something live without the producer's knowledge. I don't think they ever appeared on there again and as I recall the producers were quite upset the lip sync only rule being broken. In America I have noted Saturday Night Live going from all live performances to a mixture of live and either outright lip sync or backing tracks. Depends on what the show allows.
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