Originally Posted by wizardofodd
If Meat reads this i hope it takes it positively, the real fact is the reason why people are debating if it is Lip Sync is the fact it was an absolutely vocally tremendous performance. I dont really know it its lip sync, if it is then it is probably one of the best lip syncs i have ever seen- and probably means it was rehearsed to death which we must give him credit for. At the end of the day it was a great performance both vocally and production wise and a great stage with a large audience, exactly what he needed. Very happy for him.
I think for the little time he had available to him he wouldn't had enough time to practice to lip synch that to the quality he performed it. Yes some may say that he did, and some don't agree. But all in all it was a marvelous show.
Yes we all start threads or post different views, but we must realise some posts are going to get negative responses. But hey, we are all here to talk about Meat and support Meat, and at the end of the day, that is all that matters
