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Old 05 Dec 2011, 22:34   #315
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
So some people suspect Meat Loaf lip-synced on TV - something many artists have done before. Oh, what an audacity! How dare they say that? Those who feel offended by this obviously missed his previous appearances on that show. Neither is lip-synching on TV something to be ashamed of nor is favoring live vocals over a tape offensive.

I regret having started this thread. The same bullshit again and again. You post info on something fans might be interested in and sooner or later something someone has said is (ab)used as a pretext to start the same old "good fan / bad fan" argument. You can't even discuss a performance on an entertainment show without a certain group of people getting personal and trying to dictate who is allowed to voice their opinion and who is not. This is as equally sad and annoying as the stupid anti-Wetten, dass..?/anti-Gottschalk comments I read on German websites.

I'd rather read ten pages about the flower box Meat handed to Thomas or about Karl Lagerfeld's gloves and trousers than watch another thread that started out interesting derail and go to the dogs.
Well Sarge you did start this thread, and I give you credit for that. But did you really expect to get just boring or positive responses all the way through? Yes we all have our views lol, and we all follow Meat and discuss everything Meat here, but you post anything regarding his performance whether it is positive or negative then you have to expect some backlash.

But regardless of what we all think, at the end of the day his performance at Wetten Dass was great and the band performed really well Meat look well rested, and All of Me, well it will sound great in his live concerts imo
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