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Old 05 Dec 2011, 22:41   #318
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by lyn View Post
Well Sarge you did start this thread, and I give you credit for that. But did you really expect to get just boring or positive responses all the way through? Yes we all have our views lol, and we all follow Meat and discuss everything Meat here, but you post anything regarding his performance whether it is positive or negative then you have to expect some backlash.

But regardless of what we all think, at the end of the day his performance at Wetten Dass was great and the band performed really well Meat look well rested, and All of Me, well it will sound great in his live concerts imo
Originally Posted by PanicLord View Post
What I don't understand about this is that I haven't seen any negativity or rot. Every single post has given glowing reviews of Meat's performance as far as I can tell. I don't see how simply wondering whether it was partly lip synched is offensive, given that, even if some of it was lip synched, we all seem to agree that it is a commonly used and harmless practice.

It was a terrific performance and a great start to the promo in Germany.

Ok I respect your response on that, but whether he lip synched or not, none of us will know. The negative is the fact that some of us are saying that Meat did. Yes it may be a common thing to do in perfomances, but to say that Meat has partly done it or done it for the whole performance is probably not the right thing to say here imo. Yes he might not be too phased to read this thread, but I don't think he'd like reading this either, if you understand what I mean. Like he might think we are kind of knocking his live act etc.

Anyway, I agree, it was a terrific performance and that everybody will be in for a real treat when he goes on tour again
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