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Old 06 Dec 2011, 04:52   #347
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
Well you might of course be much better informed and knowledgeable than some of us .. but I think being a fan means that you delight in a great performance, in hearing great vocals, in seeing Meat's delight. To me that's not naive .. simply positive, supportive, and one of those fans who actually ENJOYS hearing and watching the performer they follow. It was HIS voice, and some of us take our simple pleasures in that.

Why? They are entitled to make their own assumptions, just as you make yours (I suspect you weren't on the set or the soundboard, so you too are making an assumption based on what you consider to be the evidence). And if anyone wants to express what they think, and that happens (heaven forfend) to be at odds with your view, they are entitled to say what they think ..

Meat appeared on Wetten Das. He was great, and if some of us find that exciting so be it. I think it's terrific to be a fan who DOES get excited by seeing and hearing the performer I follow, simply enjoys it, doesn't need to examine it and dissect it, but can simply take pleasure in it and celebrate.

That's exactly right Caryl, I just enjoyed seeing Meat on TV again and thought he did brilliantly.

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