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Old 06 Dec 2011, 05:52   #349
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
I regret having started this thread. The same bullshit again and again. You post info on something fans might be interested in and sooner or later something someone has said is (ab)used as a pretext to start the same old "good fan / bad fan" argument.
Really? I missed it if anyone referred to "good", "bad" or the bizarre term "real" fans. Some were dismissed as naive for holding a different view (which I'd say was "personal" and is likely to provoke a response).

You can't even discuss a performance on an entertainment show without a certain group of people getting personal and trying to dictate who is allowed to voice their opinion and who is not ...
Dictating is rather a strong term I think. If it's OK for some to present their opinions, surely it's permissable for others to disagree and venture to post their opposing view?

If not, then who shall dictate which view may be presented as fact which all others must accept, and which view is "getting personal"? Who shall dictate which is the group that is allowed to state an opinion, and which will be the "certain group" who presumably may not?

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