Originally Posted by robgomm
Shall I tell you a BIG clue which everyone seems to have missed? The earpiece in the ear. If he's got it in it's so he can hear himself so he's singing live. On Wetten Das the earpiece was in, on the old videos posted the earpiece wasn't in. I rest my case. So can everyone please stop now with this daft discussion.
Even if it was lip synced, it's still entirely possible that he would have used the earpiece. He still has to hear the song to know when to mime, and when you're on a stage like that, hearing what's going on isn't as easy as it sounds :P By that logic, what's the point of having the guitarist play the guitar when there's a backing track being used anyway?
I don't think it was lip synced, anyway. And that's because at the very start of Anything For Love, you can clearly see Paul reach up and retune the E string of his guitar down to drop D. If it was a backing track, that would have been 100% unnecessary, because it would have been impossible for anyone to tell the difference anyway.
*Ends daft discussion*
All that matters is that it was an awesome performance (regardless of whether it was lip synced or not) and we didn't have a repeat of the AFL. AND, on top of that, HiaHB charted well in Germany because of it