I second that my dear :)
Originally Posted by CarylB
Priceless .. Thank you.
I suspect I have missed, ie fundamentally dis-agreed with, the way you have interpreted them
Originally Posted by Elijah's way
Ozzy Loaf
Hmmmm, you spell Aussie this way And what you've implied with that statement.......well lets say that I'm leaving that alone Although, I'm not impressed with it
Originally Posted by chairboys
Just read all the posts from last night on this 'controversial' subject.
I was really giggling to myself at the intensity of everyone's views.
But, by the end of it all I was beginning to feel as though we are going round in circles.
As has been said before, just about everybody is in agreement that it was an excellent performance. And I really don't care either way about the "liveness" of it all.
Just one thing though, Rob. Perhaps the earpiece was just a fake prop to fool us?
Couldn't agree more with the fact that we all thought the performance was brilliant :)
I don't agree with the earpiece thing that Rob is going on about as sometimes, and I've noticed in the live performance of Meat with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, that artists such as Meat might remove the earpiece during a performance, but that doesn't indicate in any manner that he is lip synching.
Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Even if it was lip synced, it's still entirely possible that he would have used the earpiece. He still has to hear the song to know when to mime, and when you're on a stage like that, hearing what's going on isn't as easy as it sounds :P By that logic, what's the point of having the guitarist play the guitar when there's a backing track being used anyway?
I don't think it was lip synced, anyway. And that's because at the very start of Anything For Love, you can clearly see Paul reach up and retune the E string of his guitar down to drop D. If it was a backing track, that would have been 100% unnecessary, because it would have been impossible for anyone to tell the difference anyway.
*Ends daft discussion*
All that matters is that it was an awesome performance (regardless of whether it was lip synced or not) and we didn't have a repeat of the AFL. AND, on top of that, HiaHB charted well in Germany because of it
From one Aussie to another, bloody well said mate!!!!
Originally Posted by TheDoode
That was a really good performance - it did exactly what it was supposed to do: engage the audience with some classics, and showcase a great new track from the new album. Vocals nicely done at the end of AFL, too. But my God, it's time to get the conditioner out Meat!
Couldn't have said it better

Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN
Love that word, describes Meat's performance impeccably 
Bloody oath mate

Originally Posted by Dave
I could give two toots if the performance was "mimed," "lip synched," or "performed live" - it does not really matter. What I care about is Meat Loaf displayed a quality performance in front of a live studio and television audience. That's all that matters to me at the end of the day - frankly, that is all that matters to most people who watched the show. Were people entertained by the performance? Yes, it would seem so. Meat Loaf did his job as an entertainer.
Second that
Originally Posted by Steingirl
This was an incredible performance. Everyone on stage did a wonderful job. I hope they perform this medley at future promo appearances.
Simply awsome