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Old 24 Sep 2012, 12:42   #48
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Originally Posted by lyn View Post
.... As long as it is constructive critisism and that there is respect shown towards Meat in doing so
Sadly not everyone has the skill of doing this, so the person being criticised will understandably feel this way:

Originally Posted by Fire Ball View Post
yep !! same old stuff. I can get insulted all over the internet , but I just come here when I need a good insult. So it will really hurt my feelings . You have to go to a place where it says Fan Club for it to hurt like it should. I always know some one will have a good one here.
I think the positive comments outweigh the insults, and I believe you do too, but I also understand that it's the insults that hit home and hurt. They would to most of us imo.

Let me say this to all who say positive things I really thank you, you don't go unnoticed . Hope I can always live up to your expectations , I will give you everything I have to give. Again, Thank you very much.
I know you notice You give so much, your "all" is so much greater than so many performers. And that doesn't go unnoticed either, as you must see at the end of every show when you look out at that audience standing on its feet, cheering and willing you to never leave the stage, because you have fully lived up to all their expectations, and for many like me, somehow managed to exceed them Long may you have that energy and determination, because you make the world a better place for being such a vital part of it.

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