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Old 24 Sep 2012, 16:09   #56
Super Loafer
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Posts: 312

Originally Posted by robgomm View Post

And this is the same guy who in the other thread is asking Meat to put up board tapes for him to listen to!!! Lmao

You insult him in one thread and then ask him for a favour in another?!!!!!!

And this from the guy who made the statements about timing on the giving tree performance that ran Meat off the last time selective memory you got there.

Quite frankly Meat overreacted to my statement. One person expresses a dislike for 1, I'll say that again, 1 product, that being the DVD, and meats reaction is to announce retirement.

And your damn right I want board tapes. The MMW IMO is much better than the GP tour, and I would like to have a professional recording of it.

So in the future let us not forget our own past when scolding someone in the present, because that is just a tad hypocritical.

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