Originally Posted by Fire Ball
It will be like I was never here. Just gone like a puff of smoke.

Never gonna happen bro

You think that, you don't know us.
But you could have at least said............
Originally Posted by Fire Ball
Just gone like Keyser Soze.
Sorry, the devil makes me do it
Originally Posted by LisaT
That wasn't a particularly nice way to break it to all the LOYAL AND DEDICATED fans on this forum, if that is what was being implied.
You know something, all hysterics on this thread aside, I agree with this
Originally Posted by Fire Ball
yep !! same old stuff. I can get insulted all over the internet , but I just come here when I need a good insult. So it will really hurt my feelings . You have to go to a place where it says Fan Club for it to hurt like it should. I always know some one will have a good one here.
One person on this thread has said something you don't like so you slate the fanclub?

That's not exactly fair Meat.
That's like blaming all English people because Piers Morgan is an asshole.
See the comment above about not pleasing everyone.
It's TRUE.
Come on, you know this by now Meat.
I can't believe this is the same guy who stood on a sidewalk in New York shouting "F*CK YOU CLIVE".
If you see the odd comment that isn't positive here it's because you are not god, you are not perfect, and not everyone will be pleased by every single thing you do.
But if I had your overall approval rating..........
Also consider that your fans are those most likely to know you best, and expect the best. Sometimes standards can be unrealistic.
And one final thing to consider.
People know your work here, so you might not be criticised anywhere else like you are here (which I personally don't believe) but you also don't have such an outporing or love, support, and affection either many other places either.
You know this yourself because you wrote.................
Originally Posted by Fire Ball
Let me say this to all who say positive things I really thank you, you don't go unnoticed . Hope I can always live up to
your expectations , I will give you everything I have to give. Again, Thank you very much.
You always live up to mine, and I thank you.
Originally Posted by Vickip
 It's all about respect .. which IMO is truly lacking around here.
This is my point, Vivki. It really really really
isn't lacking.
Read this thread again and see how upset and supportive of Meat people are.
Originally Posted by suzieq
It's just never watered down enough to keep your feelings from getting hurt here. It's frustrating.
If the ammount of positive comments are not enough to water down the minority of negative opinions, then we're going to need a bigger boat.
Originally Posted by CarylB
I think the positive comments outweigh the insults, and I believe you do too,
Originally Posted by CarylB
but I also understand that it's the insults that hit home and hurt. They would to most of us imo.
I understand this. It's not nice being criticised. But anyone who stands on a stage will get it. Even within their own fanbase. But the love always outways the negative opinion.
Originally Posted by loaferman61
well over 90% of what is posted here is very positive. If people were 90% + positive about me I'd take that any day.
If I ever get approval like that i'll fly you all in for my opening night at Wembley