Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse
I understand this. It's not nice being criticised. But anyone who stands on a stage will get it. Even within their own fanbase. But the love always outways the negative opinion.
You said "We are here for honest opinion posted in a respectful manner. OK "sounds far from perfect" isn't the nicest thing you could say, but i'll lay whatever odds anyone wants to throw down that it's nowhere near the worst thing he's had said to him in the last 35 years." Undoubtedly Mouse, but as the performer I would feel the word "screaming" a pretty insulting comment, and as me consider it far from respectful as well as likely to provoke a reaction.
.. but you also don't have such an outporing or love, support, and affection either many other places either.

.. and as I said, I believe Meat knows this and values it. I also think (in no small part because of this) he's been working on NOT being guy who stood on a sidewalk in New York shouting "F*CK YOU CLIVE" when he comes here