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Old 24 Sep 2012, 21:40   #67
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by MarkS View Post
And this from the guy who made the statements about timing on the giving tree performance that ran Meat off the last time selective memory you got there.

Quite frankly Meat overreacted to my statement. One person expresses a dislike for 1, I'll say that again, 1 product, that being the DVD, and meats reaction is to announce retirement.

And your damn right I want board tapes. The MMW IMO is much better than the GP tour, and I would like to have a professional recording of it.

So in the future let us not forget our own past when scolding someone in the present, because that is just a tad hypocritical.

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Actually you want to get your facts straight. Fact is I made a mistake and apologised for it, which I don't see you doing so it's completely different.

Plus also Meat didn't run off because of me. He ran off because of the stick he had taken from so many other members, it just so happened my mistake was there to be used at the time as an example why he was leaving. You know how I know this? Meat and I spoke via PM and settled it.

So you are completely and utterly wrong in both regards, plus you slate Meats vocals on songs as being terrible, and then ask him for something.

Last edited by The Flying Mouse; 24 Sep 2012 at 22:11. Reason: insults removed
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