29 Sep 2012, 02:36
Join Date: 05.02.2003
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 1,044
put up the link.... not on US , UK or Austrailia
Originally Posted by MarkS
On iTunes, they have a minute and a half previews of each song. Hot patootie begins at the first verse and ends at the end of the second chorus. The clearest example of what I'm talking about is when you go into "hop in the backseat, really had a good time"
I will probably get lambasted for saying this, but it sounds like more of a yell than a note, To the point that by the time you hit the word time, it sounds like your voice cracks On that word both times.
In my opinion, the version of hot patootie that was released alongside the "if I can't have you" single was a much stronger version of the song, Featuring a much stronger vocal performance than what I am hearing from the guilty pleasure offering.
I apologize if I offended you with what I said, I was simply trying to say what I thought about that particular song
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Last edited by Fire Ball; 29 Sep 2012 at 02:42.