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Old 08 Oct 2012, 10:39   #417
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 09.02.2010
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Boneyard / All Revved Up: 3.5/5
Ive heard better Boneyards on bootlegs, and I wish meat wore his red coat during it. Needed more Justin. Another thing im confused with is why they cut the :son of a bitch” lines. Was it performed like that just for the DVD. The end was satisfying, but I kept thinking mercury would show but I remembered concert-one fudged it up,.
Boneyard never really stood out to me when I saw it in concert and I don't think I remember anything about the performance of it so this DVD gave me the opportunity to take in the performance of the song. It's not one I rate as my favourite live songs but it wasn't bad.

I enjoyed watching the concert and the highlights of the DVD for me were Bat Out of Hell, Peace on Earth and Paradise.

I didn't rate the documentary all that highly. I'd have preferred an 'In Search of Paradise' type documentary which followed Meat and the band rather than having all that talk from those crew members.
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