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Old 08 Oct 2012, 15:26   #418
Long Distance Loafer
Join Date: 17.07.2007
Location:  Perth, Australia
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You know what.... I absolutely adore this dvd, every single bit of it. Blurr or no blurr.

So, how do I deal with that ISO thing?

Ohhhh and just remembered some more talking that was cut. Meat explained before Paul's solo how Paul had wanted a acoustic solo because Randy had one and Paul cried lol. I put it in my concert review way back. He said how you have to treat guitarists like kids or something, if one has something you have to give it to the other too lol.

It's the best I remember it off the top of my head.

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Last edited by melon; 08 Oct 2012 at 15:52.
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