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Old 10 Oct 2012, 05:52   #452
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 28.03.2003
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I got a defective disc that started having freeze up issues after a few audio glitches early on. Still I have seen the DVD and think overall it was very good. As stated I am glad they did any overdubs they did. Watching at home is a different experience than seeing it live so some things that were great live come across totally different. I have no major issues. The majority of it was excellent. The dark parts are not as much of a concern on the big screen and I had no issues with the echo that was mentioned. Other than "Paradise" seeming to be 3 days long, it was a very good effort. Far superior to 3 Bats. I thought the first half flew by in comparison to the second part. Thank You to Meat and Paul for the work you put into this DVD. It is the best of the Meat Loaf DVD releases.
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