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Old 11 Oct 2012, 07:19   #471
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 07.02.2003
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Originally Posted by suzieq View Post
Yesterday I received my Guilty Pleasure DVD/CD import. I knew it'd be hours before my evening would settle down for a proper viewing, but every last minute of waiting was worth it.

I have so much to comment on that I cannot wrap my thoughts in a neat little bundle. I can only relate that the DVD did it's job and then some because that's exactly how I feel after a show experience. Lord knows, I couldn't sleep after it either.

I absolutely LOVE the whole thing. You press play and whoosh you are off on the journey front and center. I cannot express how engaged I was in each song. I couldn't help but sing along. I was captivated. I don't understand a whole lot about technical things and the why and how part of it getting all done, but I know that if a mental checklist existed of everything I love in a Meat would be all marked off and then some.

After a few shows on the Mad Mad World Tour, I actually let those shows eclipse the greatness of the shows I saw on the Hang Cool Tour (with the exception of one song on a very special evening). How dare I forget about the awesome Peace On Earth performances? And Bat being third in the set? Naw, just a temporary smoke screen by the Mad Mad World Tour This DVD allows me to revisit those songs live. And by every ounce of his energy, Meat delivers it clearly in balls to the wall style.

Vocals: Oh Meat Oh My! Again, I don't care what was fixed and what wasn't fixed. I am one of the peeps that enjoys what Meat is put before me. While watching the whole DVD, I forgot that he was dealing with a Vocal Chord issue. Looking back now trying to gather myself, I feel so bad for Meat with that very point in time (for multiple reasons)....but he has managed to be the most consummate professional putting everything he had into performance, vocals, humor and love. I had no doubt he would, I never had one doubt about it! There are so many stand out Meat vocal highlights for me, I would actually have to scribe them down as I watched it again. The parts where the goosebumps well up or the my hair on my arms stand up on end.....yeah, those are the times where I want to reach out to Meat and say OH F~CK YEAH! {Sidebar: Bat third in the set and captured ON this DVD was a BIG F~CK YEAH!}

Musicianship: Now introducing, Randy's tricep muscle. He needs a license to carry that thing! lol. Next up, the talented Ginny Luke. I love her contributions to the songs. It was fresh facelift on some timeless pieces. The solo in 2 Out Of 3 is right up my alley. I am a fan of the extensions in 2 Out Of 3....I loved Justin's solo the first night I saw it during the Hang Cool Tour....and now I love this treasure from the Guilty Pleasure DVD. I think everyone is in accord with the tightness of the band and the skill each possess. They are all wonderful on stage and off. I love that they can bring Meat's masterful auditory plan to our ears.

Lighting/Picture Quality: The stage was lit.... I saw fog....I saw the band....I saw some graphics in the background.....I think I saw Alice In Wonderland......most importantly I saw Meat and I loved every cascading moment of it. My picture quality was sharp right down to the color of Meat's gum (you thought I was going to say eyes right?)

Documentary: I took away a lot of information from this "State of Meat Address", by some people who work super close to Meat. So close that they know his tenacious work ethic, always striving for the best of himself to give to his fans. These people "know" Meat and have said things we knew from Meat, but these are testimonials. I found the bonus footage a bit fascinating and drove home the ideals of Meat. It really just commanded the word I've always had for him, RESPECT.

Emotions: 1. The moment where he took to thank the fans back from 1978. (I am one, he just hasn't known of my existence for very long is all). 2. The very end where he mouths the words with double hand/body language gesturing. I. LOVE. YOU. He hit me right in the heart with those two simple things!

CD: Is now in my car for my listening pleasure.

Thank You: And much respect to Paul's production skills and for your intellect of Meat's visions. The band for the killer instincts to turn it up to 11!!! Patti for being Meat's beautiful rock. And to Meat, for not just this DVD but for all your generosity, time, and considerations for your fan base.....on forum and off.

I don't just like this review .... I freaking LOVE it Thank you SuzieQ for finding the perfect words to describe this amazing DVD ! Now I really have to go back and watch it a second time

Originally Posted by suzieq View Post
I knew I'd forget something!

The Sex Music part........I tried but I simply can't ignore it, I completely went to a naughty place. He did the Meat groans and moans. I may as well fess up and come clean.....THAT WAS HOT!
Yeah it was I can use some holy water right about now
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