My biggest problem with this dvd aside from the terrible quality is the fact that I cant hear Meat singing most of the time mainely in RNRD but when I do hear him he sounds awesome. I just think whoever done all the editing and whatever else didn't really know what they were doing and made a mess out of it. I can't believe we had to wait a year for this, oh and what's up with bleeping out the f bombs??? It sounds really stupid!!!
I reeally do wish I liked this dvd as much as some of you but I think it's a mess and the only good things about it are TOOT, BOOH, POE, SITS and Boneyard
IMO 3 bats live is far superior than this and of course it doesn't come close to MSO
Live in Tunica, MS now that would be an amazing DVD!!!
Last edited by Elijah's way; 11 Oct 2012 at 10:38.