Originally Posted by Adje
As for the Documentary... Disc filler in my eyes. I had prefered if they had leave this (also badly produced -which isn't saying anything about the content, which you may or may not like) documentary out so they could use the free space to increase the picture and sound (DTS) quality.
But it's plain obvious to me that ConcertOne doesn't care about music fans at all. They should be ashamed of themselves and if they have any respect for the fans they donate every penny they earn to charity. Because with what they presented us they don't deserve to make money on it!
The documentary is poorly produced, and I'm confused why Meat praises all the other band members but says nothing about Patti. Instead of this "documentary", I wish they had filmed some extra songs during soundcheck/rehearsals...Dead Ringer For Love, All of Me, Song of Madness, Bible and a Beer...That would have been a great bonus feature.