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Old 18 Oct 2012, 00:44   #541
Monstro helps me spell things...
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The best example of this mediocre video quality can be seen on Two Out of three.

no matter what Ive watched it on, be it on a TV, Macbook, desktop, or ipod its the same deal.

Proof, notice the quality difference between angles. The minute the dark blue lights go on the quality of certain angles gets pixelated. very pixelated. On some sets maybe less then others (due to screen size, ratios of TVs, contrast, settings, and interlace settings) but its always still there vivid and noticeable as anything.

I have physical evidence, think i photoshopped this watch two out of three aint bad again closely... its the best example:

Good compression -

then the tables turn and some shots have.... this:

Whoever was in charge of compression... who is most likely mr. Dan Hazell (credited as the video editor), this was horrid.

Buying the US release, cause maybe these issues are fixed.

Last edited by Wario; 18 Oct 2012 at 00:54.
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