Originally Posted by LucyK!
I'm the exact opposite - I seem to always get Racing In The Streets rather than Backstreets...stunning every time but I'd give anything for Backstreets, we had it for our wedding music (that and R&R Dreams, it was a Bittan-fest!  ) and I've managed to never see it live!
I find it so funny and interesting how it works out sometimes, how you might see one song often that other people are chasing, and vice versa. There seems to be somewhat of a geographical component to it as well.
The last (Dream) Tour, I got "Kitty's Back" three times out of six shows, and that song's somewhat rare.
I wanted "Incident" in the worst way, and I always seemed to miss it by a show.

I finally saw it when he played the WIESS album in full, but I gave up getting it as a surprise, and since then I've seen it twice, both solo performances.
The only song I'm wishing for now is "The Promise".
Good luck getting "Backstreets" btw.