Thread: Live Downloads
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Old 29 Jan 2014, 16:32   #24
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by renegadeangel View Post
We as fans have no rights and thats fair. We take everything we can get and are happy with that.
If we the fans made whoever, we have at least the right not to spend our money. As far as taking what we can get, the artist should always give his or her best effort. I have helped make various artists very wealthy and provided them a living for their families in exchange for their work that I want. That is what is fair.
I think for any artist to feel that the fans have no rights would be at the very least ungrateful. Some may feel that way privately.
IMO fans shortchange themselves by feeling like they can just be taken for granted, called stupid, or whatever. When these guys and gals were struggling and wanted to be heard and had no money they understood these things and hopefully they still realize it.
Note I did not mention any performer, just addressed your point.
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