Thread: Live Downloads
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Old 03 Feb 2014, 03:58   #41
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
As this is in the forum for "Discussions about literally everything related to Meat Loaf." I'll just say that Meat shows a lot of goodwill to his fans in many other ways, including more on-line interaction with them.
I never said he didn't, nor is Meat the only artist who interacts with his fans online. I just said that fans of said artists/bands enjoy and appreciate it.

Originally Posted by CarylB
I'd also say that I follow Meat rather than a band, and for 20 years did this pretty much alone, no sharing with other fans, and still had a blast Some may, as you say, consider the greatest part of following a performer is sharing with other fans rather than being about the artist .. but not me
Maybe you don't follow a band, but fans of U2, Pearl Jam, Phish, Metallica, etc. do; they have lots of hardcore fans who travel the world to see them, just as you do to see Meat. His fanbase is far from unique in that respect.

Of course it's possible to be a fan of anyone or anything alone (I have, too), but it's a lot more fun, IMO, to share with like-minded individuals- why else would forums like this one exist? People make lifelong friends traveling to and seeing shows together- it becomes an activity in and of itself, separate from the artist or band. Consider Star Trek or comic book fans- I think music fans are similar in many ways. Sharing, collecting and trading shows is a part of that.

Originally Posted by CarylB
No idea. I went to a concert some years ago, his voice (which was never great imo) was, as you say, completely shot. I kept nodding off, so would never even be tempted to look for a bootleg
But yet, he has many fans who love and travel to his shows, and do seek out and collect bootlegs. Of course, Dylan has also released lots of them officially.
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