Originally Posted by AndrewG
3. Meat never altered his setlists that much. I'm not sure I'd want multiple shows. Having said that I'd definitely would have had O2 and Manchester from last year if this option was available at those types of prices.
IF Meat went down the soundboard route, I'd rather it be done like the Casa De Carne CD, with the best version of each song selected otherwise we could get a show with the best Bat Out Of Hell and a crappy Dead Ringer. As long as all the songs sound roughly the same, does it really matter where they came from?
Originally Posted by AndrewG
4. Meat to me never seems to have looked back at the stuff he has done.
Meat always strikes me as perpetually looking forward and having a 'when something is done, it's done' attitude. That's why when he retires, I think he'll start digging through his collection. He's just been too preoccupied with other projects.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
Give them a DVD; they want a better edited DVD.
I don't think it's wrong to expect a polished product in exchange for my hard-earned money.