Originally Posted by loaferman61
I think Meat even mentioned it in an interview. Vince often pulls internet videos because if you can catch them before he does IMO he sounds pretty far gone vocally. I would go see them only because Alice Cooper is opening, but between the ticket price and having a legend like Alice open for Neil is a bit much for me.
Ah, you had me at Alice Cooper. Though why he'd be opening for Vince Neil I have no idea.
Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.
I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. And yep, it's a 30+ year old song. I know this isn't the Alice Cooper forum, but we've mentioned Springsteen and The Crue, so what the hell.
Back with Meat Loaf - my personal view on this one is, yeah, it'd be nice, but I'm not pining for it to happen. If it does, it does. Could be cool.