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Old 03 Feb 2014, 21:45   #52
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Interacting with Springsteen has always seemed off limits to me even though he plays the down the earth guy well. It's probably the number of fans that's the issue there.
It's quite the opposite, actually. He doesn't really have an online presence (he's jokingly said, "Real men don't tweet", or something to that effect- I think he's just not that interested), but I have heard many, many stories about him interacting with fans in person, especially in Europe, where he stays in a city for a while; in the States he usually flies home right after shows. People in New Jersey, where he lives, see him quite often.

By all accounts, he is very down-to-earth, and very approachable provided that people are respectful and don't lose their minds- it becomes a safety issue at that point. The night I met him after a show, he called us over to him, not the opposite. But there were only a few of us, and no one was jumping up and down and screaming (as I have seen on other occasions).
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