Originally Posted by TheDoode
Slightly different (?) debate, but here's a clip of The Coop singing Elected at Bloodstock the other year, shot on a camera phone and yet in amazing quality, both visually and audibly. I know this because I know who the video belongs to: I was there.
I think the recording speaks for itself with regards to vocals and 'sounding like the album'. And yep, it's a 30+ year old song. I know this isn't the Alice Cooper forum, but we've mentioned Springsteen and The Crue, so what the hell.
Wow, that's a phone camera? They're really getting good these days (mine is crappy

)! Looked like a fun show.
I saw the Coop once many moons ago, unfortunately during his "three-piece-suit" phase, though it was still a great show. Billy Squier opened for him and got booed/bottled off the stage after 2 or 3 songs- good times!