Originally Posted by AndrewG
Fair enough, that was ignorance speaking. I only follow 3 artists actively and indeed Bruce is the only one out of those who doesn't tweet, YouTube, forum post and Facebook  it's probably that that just gives that impression to me ie "this is a closed group, if you want in you need to be at the right place at the right time or just really lucky."
He's the only one out of those 3 I follow I haven't met but then 2 out of 3 ain't bad. 
He does have official Twitter, Facebook and YouTube channels, but it's not he himself who posts. As to the forums, I'm actually kind of glad he doesn't post there, because it could get really scary if he did, and it's scary enough without him a lot of the time.

AFAIK, a couple of former and at least one current band member are members, though.
Being lucky or in the right place at the right time does help, but is not necessarily required.
A word as to the quality of the downloads- so far I have the second and third Cape Town shows, and they sound pretty good to me, considering the quick turnaround time. There were a few complaints about the sound quality of the first show, but I'm sure they will improve with time.