Thread: Live Downloads
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Old 07 Feb 2014, 18:25   #65
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
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Originally Posted by EddieJ1984 View Post
Metallica's been doing this for like 10 years, in fact in addition to being able to buy any show from 2004 - Now, they have free downloads of shows from 1982 - 2003, some are bootlegs and some are soundboards.
And when I saw them live in 2009, I did the pre-sale which included a download of my show for free.
As to "some are bootlegs and some are soundboards", what to you mean, exactly? A soundboard can still be a bootleg, it just means it's not an official recording (sourced from the soundboard as opposed to an audience recording). An official recording isn't a bootleg, even if recorded with room mics. (I think the term "official bootleg" sounds a little silly- it's an oxymoron.)
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