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Old 17 Feb 2014, 12:47   #11
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
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With the amount of cameras around it does not surprise me that bootlegs pop up everywhere. For me the novelty of bootlegs has really drained probably because of how easy it is to get them now. Parting with cash for those is completely unnecessary now too btw. I have 100s of Bruce bootleg videos that are just rotting away. Will never watch them again I think.

I am totally out-bootlegged I have to say. Being at a concert is far more interesting for me now. Even official releases don't interest me as much. I just don't have the time to watch those DVDs and if I watch TV I'd rather watch a comedy series these days or a movie I haven't seen and save my excitement for shows up for when I go again.

Recently I watched this viral video
YouTube Video

This actually made me think I wouldn't mind if they brought in a blanket ban on all cameras again at gigs as they used to have in The Netherlands. Like going into a night club, no way you could hide a camera, but of course cameras were a bit bigger in those days as well.

And I am guessing with phones it is now very tricky to enforce something like this.

Just that everyone pointing cameras to the stage is definitely ruining the live music experience somewhat.

(I know this sounds hypocritical as I took loads of photos last year as well - but had I had a chance to see Last at Bat again; I wouldn't even bring my camera).

Last edited by AndrewG; 17 Feb 2014 at 12:53.
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