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Old 19 Feb 2014, 22:00   #105
Join Date: 16.02.2010
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Originally Posted by MarkS View Post
A. Everything that you are doing is also speculation, so welcome to the club sunshine

B. Let's take just for example "Frying Pan" one chorus and you can tell the song was written pre 1990 because no one has used the phrase "Out of the frying pan, and into the fire" since, well quite frankly I can't remember the last time anyone said it. It isn't hard to date a song based on production and lyrics, not an exact science, but ballpark isn't that hard, so your entire post was "absolute twoddle" or perhaps poppycock, hey there's another word that hasn't been used relevantly in 20 years.
Nope, you're wrong again. I haven't speculated anything. You put it out there that the Steinman material on this forthcoming album will sound 'like it's 15 years old'. It's up to you to prove it, not me, and you can't prove it because you haven't heard it, ergo: speculation.

And 'Out of the Frying Pan' was never generally used in conversation on a daily basis as far as I know. And so what if it was sixty plus years ago? Doesn't make the song any less great.

Somehow, I doubt that the new songs will include irrelevant metaphors and obscure turns of phrase that will be lost on a 21st century audience.
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