Originally Posted by TheDoode
Mark, I had to report that last one. I'd advise against personal insults and attacks.
As for a 'heat reversal'. It isn't. I'm not feeling any kind of heat, other the one coming from my desk-side radiator (it's cold up here). You're the one making claims here, man, not me. I'm just disagreeing with you.
I changed that for you. But given past history that is fine line to tread. Anyway, we are all just speculating, and if we all agreed it would be a boring little world.
I look forward to whatever Meat brings out with the next album, and if I don't like it, I will just simply listen to something I do like. One thing that I do like about Steinman being involved is that I do think that it will provide at least some closure, or perhaps rather a full-circle in terms of a very storied career.