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Old 19 Feb 2014, 23:15   #114
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 09.02.2010
Posts: 1,934

What I posted earlier in this thread could have been interpreted as being anti-Stienman by some but quite frankly I don't care. I have seen on several occasions where criticisms of an album, a performance or a concert have come up that people have the right to their opinions. I accept that and am merely exercising my own right to voice my own. If the moderators of this forum have a problem with my doing so then they will respond and deal with it in whatever way they see fit.

I have enjoyed some of the songs that Stienman has written but there has also been many others that have been written by other songwriters and given the fact that I accept that there are a lot of people who are looking forward to hearing the Stienman songs, I don't think I should have to lie about hoping that more songs by other writers are sacrificed to make room for more Stienman songs or that I think his work will overshadow that of the others because that is not the purpose of a discussion board.

If Meat is excited about working with Stienman again then that's great for him and there are many fans here who are excited about it but I don't think that should mean that everyone has to be.

I am excited at the thought of a new album being released but it has a lot more to do with the fact that I like MEAT than because particular people are writing it. I know that without the writers there would be no album but they don't really make much difference to me.

Last edited by JennaG; 19 Feb 2014 at 23:25.
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