Originally Posted by TheDoode
Discussion, which is what this is/has attempted to be, IS the point of a discussion board. That's exactly what it is. And as for not 'having to lie' regarding your own opinion on things here - try posting something that doesn't agree/worship something Meat Loaf does sometime, and see what kind of a response you get.
The person who is posting that they disagree with something Meat Loaf has done usually says something along the lines of "this is a discussion board" and "I'm entitled to my opinion" to which the supporters of Meat Loaf will usually try to argue with much as I feel that Jim STEINMAN's fans are doing here.
Originally Posted by TheDoode
The bottom line is: you can't group Steinman in with all the other writers. He isn't just another writer that happens to write songs for Meat Loaf. You're Meat Loaf fans - surely I don't have to explain this?
I am well aware of what STEINMAN has contributed to Meat Loaf's career and I respect that but I do not think he should be used to demean other writers. I'm sorry if you find this hard to believe but to me, he is just another songwriter.
I had no idea that to be a Meat Loaf fan that I'd automatically have to be a STEINMAN one too???