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Old 20 Feb 2014, 11:48   #124
Join Date: 16.02.2010
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Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
The person who is posting that they disagree with something Meat Loaf has done usually says something along the lines of "this is a discussion board" and "I'm entitled to my opinion" to which the supporters of Meat Loaf will usually try to argue with
...which is then completely trampled over in favour of the 'positive' opinion (that not everyone shares).

Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
much as I feel that Jim STEINMAN's fans are doing here.
I'm not really a Jim Steinman 'fan'. I know relatively little about him. I just know that I like some of his music in relation to Meat Loaf. If Jim released something sub standard (I'm sure he probably has), I'd acknowledge it as that. And no one is saying that you can't have an alternative point of view - but when you come in with 'I don't care' and expect that not to warrant a reply... The difference between this discussion and the Meat Loaf discussions is that here you* have to be on the 'right' side, and there you have to be on the 'right' side. There is no difference. It's not really discussion if the (for want of a better term) 'pro Meat/my opinion is always correct' team are stifling the contributions of everyone else.

Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
I am well aware of what STEINMAN has contributed to Meat Loaf's career and I respect that but I do not think he should be used to demean other writers. I'm sorry if you find this hard to believe but to me, he is just another songwriter.
That makes two of us! I haven't 'demeaned' any of the other writers, though I'd argue that by referring to Jim Steinman as 'just another writer' and by CAPITALISING his name every time that's exactly what you're doing here. And I think he's done a little more than just 'contributed to Meat Loaf's career'. It's arguable that without Jim Steinman we wouldn't be sitting here now and this site wouldn't exist as it does.

Originally Posted by JennaG View Post
I had no idea that to be a Meat Loaf fan that I'd automatically have to be a STEINMAN one too???
No one has said that, but there's a lot of inseparable history that you can't really ignore. If you like BOOH, AFL, FRYING PAN, OBJECTS, etc, then you like Steinman, more or less.

*although I used the word 'you', it's not directed personally towards you Jenna. And none of this is personal or directed towards any one person. It's just a way of illustrating a point so that discussion can go on.

Last edited by TheDoode; 20 Feb 2014 at 12:26.
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