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Old 28 Feb 2014, 19:16   #20
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
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Haven't actually seen the full DVD but did just watch Peace on Earth on YT.

I agree with the Smurfs comment. Ridiculous amounts of blue and the blues are too harsh.

A lot of the shots seem really off. Sometimes we see the backs of the bandmembers that offers nothing significant otherwise. Why?

Some of the parts of Peace on Earth live I really liked during the HCTB tour in 2010. Like the use of the screen and seeing the shooting stars at the end. This nice stuff is completely lost by framing things so poorly. Why constantly show us the shot that shows us the stage and its surroundings to the extent you can see the theatre building interiors being lit up? This surely is a no-no for a DVD you have had time to spend post production time on? Poor editing and poor shot choices for a DVD capture they claim to have had 15 cameras for.

That's a real bloody shame actually. Bunch of ~~~~ers.
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