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Old 05 Mar 2014, 14:17   #12
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
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this one needs to be remastered though for BluRay

I wonder if Meat came up with the great orchestra idea because of the Night of the Proms tour, he did in 2001.

There I first heard the great way some of the songs were performed with a orchestra. Especially Home by Now was really impressive. I remember telling a friend Meat should do a complete concert this way... ...and so he did a few years later

Actually, in the Netherlands we have an annual concert called Symphonica in Rosso, where a perdormer fills a stadium 3 nights performing his/her best songs with a symphonica orchestra. In the past Diana Ross, Lionel Ritchie and some of the best Dutch singers have done the show. Meat would very much fit this concept 10 years after Melbourne

I doubt it happens but boy would his music be perfect for Symphonica in Rosso
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