Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 29 Jul 2016, 17:42   #13
Super Loafer
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I see it like this...

Meat has "covered" a lot of Jim's songs that were recorded and released by others first(Pandora's Box aside you have Barbara Streisand, Bonnie Tyler, Boyzone, Celine Dion etc etc). He has also covered things like Let It Be and Come Together by The Beatles, Forever Young by Dylan.

With marginal exception (Bonnie and 2 out of 3/Barry Manilow and Read Em and Weep, that I can think of off hand), and discounting YouTube bedroom singers/cover bands/ many songs by Jim that Meat has recorded have been covered on a studio recording? Meat brings something to the songs that renders a lot of attempts DOA from the start. If you record them, you have to bring something completely new to the songs, and that is how I see this album delivering the songs.

I'm not sure how many of the songs are "Meat's songs" (I know a couple that have been mentioned) but one thing they won't be is just copied because as said above, even Meat's non-Jim more mainstream songs just can't be copied.
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